Lafayette West Apartments Exterior Rainscreen Facade
NSC was brought in early on this project to assist with GMP budgeting, value engineering and and redesigning the rainscreen system to provide the look and function required by the design team, all while maintaining a budget that worked for the owner. Working under a design assist contract; NSC, the owner, construction manager and architect came together to accomplish all these goals. Complete shop drawings were done to coordinate all teh rainscreen VE changes into a working document. This eliminated the need for the architectural drawings to be completely redone and elaying the project.
Lafayette Acquisition Parnters, LLC
General Contractor
Brinker / A.M. Higley
July 2023
Additional Information
34,000 LF of FM3-VHV Hat Channel
39,000 SF Nichiha Fiber Cement Panels
10,300 LF of Custom Profile ALuminum FLashing
510 LF of Custom Profile Extruded ALuminum
Project Scope
Rainscreen Framing System
Associated Flashing
Extruded Aluminum Profiles
Juliette Balconies
Rough Carpentry
Laminated Metal
Fiber Cement Panels